PSYCH OpenIR  > 健康与遗传心理学研究室
其他题名The relationship between tea consumption and cognitive function in elderly
摘要随着社会老龄化问题的日益加剧, 老年人的健康问题备受关注。认知功能障碍的高发,严重影响了老年人的日常生活,并给其家庭和社会造成了沉重负担。但目前针对认知功能障碍,尤其是痴呆,尚无特别有效的治疗措施。因而,对于老年人的认知功能下降,应以预防或延缓为主。茶是中国传统的饮品,现代医学也证实饮茶有益健康。一些研究就饮茶是否具有认知功能保护作用进行了探讨,虽然普遍认为饮茶和良好的认知功能相关,但这种关系是否受饮茶类型、饮茶频率等因素的影响,是否存在性别差异尚不清楚。为此,本研究选取北京市老年人,评估其饮茶行为与认知功能的关系及是否存在性别差异,为预防或延缓认知功能
在北京市通过分层、方便取样的方式选取老年人(年龄≥60 岁)1056 例。采用自编一般资料调查表调查一般人口学资料及饮茶行为 (包括饮茶史,饮茶类型,饮茶频率,饮茶持续时间), 并采用简明精神状态评估量表(Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE)、瑞氏听觉词语学习测验(Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test,RAVLT,包括即刻回忆和延迟回忆)、词语配对联想学习测验(Verbal Paired Associative Learning Test, VPALT)、韦氏木块图测验评估认知功能。采用方差分析和偏相关分析评估饮茶行为与认知功能的关系,及这种关系是否存在性别差异。 
结果显示:入选年龄≥60 岁且数据完整的被试 868 例。其中饮茶组 405 人,未饮茶组 463人。控制年龄、性别、教育年限及长期居住地的影响后,饮茶组的MMSE 得分(P=0.012) 、RAVLT 即刻回忆得分(P=0.002)和延迟回忆得分(P=0.010)显著高于未饮茶组。依据饮茶类型,将饮茶者分为绿茶组(n=121)、红茶组(n=6)、乌龙茶组(n=2)、两种以上或其他组(n=276)。绿茶组的RAVLT即刻回忆得分(P=0.011)和延迟回忆得分(P=0.008)高于未饮茶组。两种以上或其他组的RAVLT 即刻回忆得分高于未饮茶组(P=0.008) ,韦氏木块图得分低于未饮茶组(P=0.012) 。依据饮茶频率,将饮茶者分为≤3 次/周组(n=78)及>3 次/周组(n=327)。未发现饮茶频率与认知功能得分之间存在剂量-反应关系。未发现饮茶持续时间与认知功能得分相关。 性别和饮茶史在认知功能得分上不存在交互效应。
综上所述,在老年人中,饮茶与较高的MMSE 得分、RAVLT即刻回忆得分及延迟回忆得分相关。饮用绿茶者 RAVLT 即刻回忆得分及延迟回忆得分较高。本研究提示老年人饮茶,可能具有认知功能尤其是记忆力保护作用。因而,应提倡老年人饮茶。
其他摘要With the society aging problem becoming more and more serious, researches ocusing on health of the elderly attract more and more attentions. High incidence of cognitive dysfunction in the elderly, severely affected their daily lives, and was heavy burden to their families and society. But, there were no cure for cognitive dysfunction, especially dementia. Thus,  It is generally regarded that stress should be put on the prevention or delay cognitive decline. Tea was traditional  drinking in China, and modern medicine also confirmed it was quite beneficial to health. Some  studies discussed  the cognitive function protective effect of tea, though it was generally believed  that  tea was  related  to good cognitive function, but unclear whether it was affected by types of tea, frequency of tea consumption and other factors. In this study, we select the elderly in Beijing to determine whether tea behavior habits is related to cognitive function in elderly people in Beijing, and whether there are gender differences in the relationship, in order to provide evidence for  prevention or delay cognitive decline.
Totally 1056 cases of elderly people (≥60 years) from Beijing were enrolled by a convenience sample. Their basic information and detailed tea behavior habits (includes tea consumption, types of tea, frequency of tea consumption, tea consumption duration) was collected through questionnaires. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) immediate recall and delayed recall, Verbal Paired Associative Learning Test  (VPALT) and Wechsler Block Design Test were used to assess cognitive functions. The relationship between tea consumption and cognitive functions, and gender differences were evaluated using
analysis of variance and partial correlation.  
The results shows: 868 participants who aged ≥60 years and completed the questionnaire were included in the final analysis. And they were divided into two groups: tea consumption group (n=405), no tea consumption group (n=463). MMSE scores  (P=0.012),  RAVLT  immediate recall scores  (P=0.002)  and delayed recall scores  (P=0.010)  in tea consumption group were higher than no tea consumption group. According to the types of the tea, participants in tea consumption group were subdivided into four groups: green tea group (n=121), black tea group (n=6), oolong tea group (n=2), and drinking more than one type of tea or other types of tea groups (n=276). In the green tea group,  RAVLT  immediate recall scores  (P=0.011)  and delayed recall  scores  (P=0.008) were significantly higher than no tea consumption group. In the drinking more than one type of tea or other types of tea group, RAVLT immediate recall scores were significantly higher than no tea consumption group(P=0.008), and Wechsler Block Design Test  scores  were significantly lower than no tea consumption group(P=0.012). Based on the frequency of tea consumption, participants in tea consumption group were subdivided into two groups: ≤3 times a week group (n=78), and  >3 times a week group (n=327). There were no dose-response relationships between frequency of tea consumption and cognitive function scores. There were no relationships between  tea consumption duration and cognitive function scores.  There  were  no  interactions between gender and tea consumption on cognitive functions scores.  
In conclusion, in the elderly, tea consumption was associated with higher MMSE scores, RAVLT immediate recall and delayed recall scores. Green tea was associated with higher RAVLT immediate recall and delayed recall scores. This study suggests that older people drinking  tea may have a protective effect of  cognitive function, especially memory. Therefore, the elderly should be promoted tea consumption.
关键词老年人 饮茶 绿茶 认知功能 记忆
GB/T 7714
祝水莲. 饮茶与老年人认知功能的关系[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2016.
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