PSYCH OpenIR  > 健康与遗传心理学研究室
其他题名Brain-Cervical Cord mechanisms of TENS-induced analgesia






Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a kind of physical analgesic therapy that applies specific parameters of current through electrodes placed on the surface of the skin to activate peripheral nerve fibers to relieve acute and chronic pain. Clinically, TENS includes two modes: "conventional TENS" and "acupuncture-like TENS." The parameter settings of the two are very different. Previous studies have shown that the analgesic mechanism of conventional TENS is "analgesia with touch" supported by the gate control theory, which can selectively activate non-invasive afferent nerves (Aβ fibers), thereby producing local analgesia within the dermis pain effect. The analgesic mechanism of acupuncture-like TENS is "analgesic with pain" supported by the theory of diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC), which mainly activates Adelta fibers and C fibers with small diameters that mediate pain and temperature and could produce a global analgesic effect that is not limited to the stimulation location. However, there is still some controversy about the analgesic mechanism of these two types of TENS, and most of the direct conclusions are derived from animal studies. Studies on humans are often indirectly inferred, and the spinal cord mechanism involved in the analgesic phenomenon cannot be directly verified. In response to this situation, this study explored the effects of percutaneous nerve electrical stimulation on analgesia and its cerebrospinal mechanism in both subjective and objective dimensions with the help of behavioral experiments and synchronized cerebral spinal cord imaging.

In the first study, we use the behavioral experiment method to confirm the analgesic effect of different types of TENS. The subjective ratings (pain intensity and pain unpleasantness) changes proved that conventional TENS and acupuncture-like TENS had different analgesic effects and analgesic regions in contact with heat pain compared with the sham control group. Specifically, the conventional TENS only has a significant analgesic effect when the thermal pain stimulation applied to the same dermal region on the same side. In contrast, the area on the contralateral side has no significant analgesic effect, and the bilateral analgesic effect is significantly different. Acupuncture-like TENS has significant analgesic effects on both the ipsilateral and contralateral thermal pain stimuli, and have no significant difference in bilateral analgesic effects. No analgesic effect was produced on both sides of the control group that only applied sham TENS.

The second study explores the mechanism of TENS analgesia based on the simultaneous imaging of the brain and cervical cord. By increasing the field of view of the planar echo imaging sequence, simultaneously exciting multiple slices of images and adding local shim boxes on the cervical spinal cord, high-quality head and neck combined functional magnetic resonance imaging is achieved, which can be used to explore the mechanism of different types of TENS directly. The contact heat pain evoked brain and cervical spinal cord activation was changing after TENS. The results of statistical analysis prove that both conventional TENS and acupuncture-like TENS can evoke activation changes in some brain regions in the pain matrix and C5/6 levels of the spinal cord. The activation change pattern is consistent with the behavior analgesic effect. The conventional TENS group has a wide range of activation changes after the treatment of TENS and positively related to the behavioral analgesic effect. There are significant changes in the activation of the brain and spinal cord caused by the acupuncture-like TENS group in the treatment and un-treatment hands and have a significant correlation with behavioral analgesic effect.

This study explores the analgesic effect and analgesic mechanism of conventional and acupuncture-like TENS at three levels of behavior, brain, and spinal cord. The results prove that both conventional and acupuncture-like TENS have analgesic effects of different analgesic region, which further confirmed at the brain and spinal cord levels. These results also support our hypothesis that conventional TENS analgesia is the spinal dermal-segment-based local pain inhibition, while acupuncture-like TENS analgesia is caused by central modulation and has diffuse pain inhibition effect. There are differences in mechanism and effect of different types of TENS, so in clinical application, the appropriate TENS intervention method should be selected based on the location and type of pain.

关键词经皮神经电刺激 疼痛 脑与脊髓同步功能成像 镇痛
GB/T 7714
魏朝行. 经皮神经电刺激镇痛的脑脊机制研究[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院心理研究所,2020.
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