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PsyCh Journal被SSCI收录
简介日前,中国科学院心理研究所和威立出版社联合出版的我国首本心理学英文期刊PsyCh Journal通过严格遴选,进入Clarivate Analytics 旗下期刊索引社会科学引文索引(Social Science Citation Index,,SSCI),SSCI将收录PsyCh Journal自2015年第四卷第一期起所发表的文章。这也是PsyCh Journal继进入美国心理学会(APA)PsycINFO数据库、爱尔斯威(Elsevier)出版社Scopus期刊数据库、美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)学术期刊数据库Medline之后,再次被纳入国际著名学术期刊数据库索引。 SSCI作为Web of Science核心内容之一,严格遴选、评估、收集自1900年以来最为重要的学术研究。SSCI收录期刊每年进行评估,根据评估标准对现有期刊进行筛选并增补新的期刊,评估标准包括期刊发行周期、发行范围、内容、评审过程、国际视野、学科特色等,尤其注重期刊的应用情况。 PsyCh Journal是我国第一本心理学专业英文期刊,2012年创刊、自2014年起每年出版四期。创刊主编为瑞典皇家科学院院士Lars-Göran Nilsson教授和发展中国家科学院院士张侃研究员,现任主编为来自德国慕尼黑大学的Ernst Pöppel教授和来自中科院心理所的张建新研究员,编委会由来自24个国家和地区的61名知名心理学家以及相关专业专家组成。 PsyCh Journal立志传播一流研究,并为推动中国心理学国际化、中国与世界心理学家的交流与推广服务。自创刊以来,收到超过40个国家和地区的投稿,全球超过1500家机构订阅了PsyCh Journal期刊,订阅机构遍及世界。自2012年起,期刊每年评选Wiley-IPCAS优秀论文奖,鼓励中国心理学家发表英文论文;自2017年起,期刊设立中文心理学报道(Chinese Psychology Report)栏目,向世界读者介绍中文发表的优秀心理学研究。由于期刊的国际视野、逐年递增的文章引用,以及中国心理学举世瞩目的发展,PsyCh Journal得到了包括Clarivate Analytics等机构的认可。而入选SSCI、Medline等知名数据库,也将进一步提升期刊的知名度和影响力。 浏览、下载、投稿,请登录PsyCh Journal期刊网站: PsyCh Journal 2015-2017年发表专题及文章选录(点击标题直接进入文章页面): 儿童自我调节发展专题(The Development of self-regulation in children) Editorial: Developing minds: Self-regulation in children and adolescents across the globe Delay of gratification in middle childhood: Extending the utility and sensitivity of the standard task The influence of parenting on Mexican American children's self-regulation Cognitive self-regulation and social functioning among French children: A longitudinal study from kindergarten to first grade The development of mentoring-relationship quality, future-planning style, and career goal setting among adolescents from a disadvantaged background Adapting an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder parent training intervention to different cultural contexts: The experience of implementing the New Forest Parenting Programme in China, Denmark, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United Kingdom Sense of control and adolescents’ aggression: The role of aggressive cues Boys have not caught up, family influences still continue: Influences on executive functioning and behavioral self-regulation in elementary students in Germany 生物节律专题(Chronobiology) Editorial:Chronobiological research for cognitive science: A multifaceted view Time to learn: How chronotype impacts education Interactions between psychosocial stress and the circadian endogenous clock Sleep patterns and their association with depression and behavior problems among Chinese adolescents in different grades Average mid-sleep time as a proxy for circadian phase Pupillary light reflex and circadian synchronization in the elderly 老年心理健康专题(Mental Health in older adults) Positive affect and mortality risk in older adults: A meta-analysis Aging and the effects of emotion on cognition: Implications for psychological interventions for depression and anxiety Role conflict and satisfaction in the work–family context: Age differences in the moderating effect of role commitment Interpretive bias of ambiguous facial expressions in older adults with depressive symptoms Testing a modified perceived exertion scale for Alzheimer's disease Age-related differences in attention and memory toward emotional stimuli Tai Chi Chuan modulates heart rate variability during abdominal breathing in elderly adults 个案研究系列(Single Case Studies) Editorial:Single case studies as a prime example for exploratory research Single case studies as a means for developing psychological theories Synchronization as a biological, psychological and social mechanism to create common time: A theoretical frame and a single case study The contribution of single case studies to the neuroscience of vision Linking neuroimaging signals to behavioral responses in single cases: Challenges and opportunities Scanning the world in three seconds: Mismatch negativity as an indicator of temporal segmentation Split-brain phenomena in anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture: A case report Does touch inhibit visual imagery? A case study on acquired blindness The “third abstraction” of the Chinese artist LaoZhu: Neural and behavioral indicators of aesthetic appreciation Seeing without knowing: Operational principles along the early visual pathway Cognitive bias salience in patients with schizophrenia in relation to social functioning: A four-case observation study 时间感知(Time Perceptive) Developmental trajectory of time perspective: From children to older adults Sex and dark times’ strategy: The Dark Triad and time perspective Moderating effect of age on the association between future time perspective and preventive coping Conscious awareness and time perception Defining moments for conscious time and content 工具本土化(Adaptation to Chinese Population) Adapting cognitive behavioral therapy to meet the needs of Chinese clients: Opportunities and challenges Validation of the Chinese version of the Anticipatory and Consummatory Interpersonal Pleasure Scale A pilot study on the Chinese Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 in detecting feigned mental disorders: Simulators classified by using the Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms Dark personality profiles: Estimating the cluster structure of the Dark Triad The revising of the Tangney Self-Control Scale for Chinese students Applicability of the International Affective Picture System in Chinese older adults: A validation study Acculturation-based family conflict: A validation of Asian American Family Conflict Scale among Chinese Americans Measuring social desirability across language and sex: A comparison of Marlowe–Crowne Social Desirability Scale factor structures in English and Mandarin Chinese in Malaysia Perceived Residential Environment Quality Indicators and neighborhood attachment: A confirmation study on a Chinese sample in Chongqing The Taiwanese Derriford Appearance Scale: The translation and validation of a scale to measure individual responses to living with problems of appearance Testing the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory in the Chinese context 中文心理学报道 Adopting a cognitive neuroscience approach to study clinically ultra-high-risk individuals What could cognitive capital mean for China's children? Temporal segmentation of cognitive processes in the domain of a few seconds
GB/T 7714
王日出. PsyCh Journal被SSCI收录. 2018.
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