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亲子阅读对贫困地区幼儿语言发展的促进作用 ——基于元分析及一项追踪研究
其他题名The effect of parent-child reading on language development of infants in rural area:A meta-analysis and a follow-up study
摘要教育是解决全面脱贫的重要途径之一,对早期儿童教育的投入是实现脱贫目标的重要保障。根据舒尔茨的人力资本理论,智能是人力资本的核心,而语言能力是重要的智能之一。对幼儿早期语言的投资有助于最大化实现人力资本,有利于人才发展,社会经济的进步。前期研究中,贫困和幼儿语言发展之间的关系缺乏相应的文献荟萃分析。虽然已有研究表明高学历、高收入家庭开展亲子阅读活动的频率较高从而幼儿的语言发展能力比较好,但亲子阅读质量如何评估,又如何影响幼儿语言发展还需要深入探讨。同时,前人研究多选择城市家庭而缺乏针对贫困地区入园前的低龄幼儿相关研究。据此,本文提出研究课题:亲子阅读对贫困地区幼儿语言发展的促进作用。本研究首先通过元分析探究社会经济地位和幼儿语言水平的关系,面向贫困地区未上幼儿园的幼儿进行了60 天亲子阅读活动,并通过视频编码和爬虫等技术分析验证亲子阅读对幼儿语言的促进作用,并提出有预测价值的亲子互动质量指标,具有较强的科学意义和应用价值。 本探究包括两项子研究。研究一:贫困地区幼儿语言发展的元分析。目的:采用元分析的方法,探索社会经济地位与幼儿语言发展的关系。方法:通过关键词对多个文献库进行检索,确立文献纳入标准,提取社会经济地位和语言发展相关系数及其他可以转换为相关系数的数值,对文献进行编码,异质性检验和亚组分析。结果:社会经济地位和幼儿语言发展密切相关,其中母亲学历水平和幼儿语言发展相关达到0.46,母亲的学历越高,幼儿的语言发展水平越好。研究二:贫困地区亲子阅读的视频编码追踪研究。目的:采用经验取样法,观察法,实验法针对贫困地区低学历的母亲及其幼儿,探索亲子阅读对幼儿语言发展的促进作用。方法:将被试随机分为阅读组和非阅读组,通过追踪实验前后测两组的语言水平,探究亲子阅读和幼儿语言水平的关系;用观察实验法对阅读组两个月的阅读视频和音频进行编码和分析,探究亲子阅读过程中的互动质量和幼儿语言水平的关系。结果:(1)阅读组后测语言成绩显著高于非阅读组的幼儿,阅读组的语言标准分(0.28)高于非阅读组的语言标准分(-0.24),且非阅读组的语言分数低于常模分数,后测的阅读组和非阅读组的均值差异达到显著性水平(SD=0.195,t=2.567,p=0.013)。组间分析结果显示亲子阅读行为对语言成绩有显著的提高作用(p=0.043)。(2)亲子阅读互动质量和幼儿的语言发展水平密切相关:后测幼儿语言标准分和家长的策略性提问呈现中等强度的相关(r=0.505,p<0.01);幼儿词汇频率和后测语言成绩中等相关(r=0.486,p<0.01);后测标准分和母亲平均每句话的词数呈现弱相关关系(r=0.219,p<0.01)。(3)将亲子阅读打卡行为前后的互动质量和语言水平进行统计分析,结果发现母亲平均每句话词数增长了3.6 个词(t=3.879, p<0.001),幼儿平均每句话的词数增长了1.17 个词(t=2.843, p<0.001)。HLM 分析母亲以及幼儿的词频、母亲平均每句话的词数可以预测幼儿的语言发展,指标的变化趋势随时间和PPVT 是一致的。结论:(1)社会经济地位与幼儿语言发展有关。社会经济地位越高,幼儿语言发展越好;(2)亲子阅读能显著促进贫困家庭儿童语言能力的发展;(3)亲子阅读互动质量可以预测语言水平改善,随着时间变化亲子阅读互动质量和幼儿的语言水平都有所提升。
其他摘要Education is the endogenous driving force to solve the problem of getting rid of poverty, and the investment in early children's education is an important guarantee to achieve the goal of getting rid of poverty in an all-round way. Investment in children's language development will help promote future economic growth and talent training. Although studies have shown that families with high education and high income are more conducive to parent-child reading, and children's language development ability is better, there is a lack of analysis of the law of parent-child reading quality on children's language development. how to evaluate the quality of parent-child reading and explore more suitable measurement methods for children's language development and parent-child interaction assessment need to be further discussed. Previous studies have mostly focused on children in urban families and kindergartens, but there is a lack of research on the language development of young children before they enter kindergarten in poor areas. Based on this, this paper puts forward the research topic: the role of parent-child reading in promoting the language development of infants in poor areas. this study first explores the relationship between socio-economic status and children's language proficiency through meta-analysis. Parent-child reading activities were conducted for children who did not go to kindergarten in poor areas for 60 days , and we also analyzed and verified the promotion effect of parent-child reading on young children's language through video coding and crawlers, and proposed a quality indicator of parent-child interaction with predictive value, which deepened the relevant theoretical exploration and had strong application value. Objective: To explore the relationship between socioeconomic status and language development of young children. METHODS: Literature coding, heterogeneity testing, and subgroup analysis were conducted by searching multiple literature databases, establishing criteria for inclusion in the literature, and extracting values that could be translated into correlation coefficients for socioeconomic status and language development status. Results: Socioeconomic status was strongly related to children's language development, where the correlation between mother's education and children's language development reached 0.46, and the higher the mother's education the better the children's language development. Part II: A video-coded follow-up study of parent-child reading in poor areas. Purpose: To explore the effect of parent-child reading on children's language development of low-educated mothers and their young children in poor areas through empirical sampling, observation, and experimentation Methods: The subjects were randomly divided into reading and non-reading groups, and the two groups were followed up before and after the experiment, respectively, to explore the relationship between parent-child reading and children's language level, and the reading videos and audios of the reading group for two months were coded and analyzed in an observational experiment to explore the relationship between the quality of interaction during parent-child reading and children's language level. Results: (1) Children's language test scores were significantly higher in the reading group compared to the non-reading group, with higher language standard scores in the reading group (0.28) than in the non-reading group (-0.24), while language test scores in the non-reading group were lower than normative scores, and mean scores in the reading and non-reading groups were significantly different (SD=0.195, t=2.567, p=0.013). The results of subgroup analysis showed that parent-child reading behavior significantly improved language learning performance (p=0.043).(2) The quality of parent-child reading interaction was strongly correlated with children's language development level: moderate correlation between toddler language standard scores and parent-initiated questions (r=0.505, p<0.01); moderate correlation between toddler vocabulary frequency and toddler language scores (r=0.486, p<0.01); and weak correlation between toddler language standard scores and mothers' average number of words per sentence (r= 0.219, p<0.01).(3) Statistical analysis of the quality of interaction and language level before and after the parent-child reading punch card behavior revealed an average increase of 3.6 words per sentence for mothers (t=3.879, p<0.001) and 1.17 words per sentence for children (t=2.843, p<0.001). The HLM was used to analyze the word frequency of the native language and the child to predict the child's language development by the mother's average number of words per sentence, and the trend of each indicator was consistent with time and PPVT. Conclusions: (1) socioeconomic status is related to young children's language development. The higher the socioeconomic status, the better the language development of young children; (2) parent-child reading significantly contributes to the language development of children from poor families (3) the quality of parent-child reading interaction predicts language proficiency, and children's language proficiency improves over time as the quality of parent-child reading interaction improves.
关键词贫困 社会经济地位 亲子阅读 幼儿语言发展 亲子互动质量
GB/T 7714
曹璟钰. 亲子阅读对贫困地区幼儿语言发展的促进作用 ——基于元分析及一项追踪研究[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院心理研究所,2021.
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