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其他题名The effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on physical and emotional functions and pain
摘要慢性疼痛除了存在严重 疼痛 感受 外还可能会引起身心机能下降,疼痛和身心机能下降相互影响形成恶性循环,严重影响个体、家庭和社会的生产生活。由于药物治疗存在耐药性、副作用和成瘾问题,寻找有效的、经济的非药物治疗方案刻不容缓。经皮耳部迷走神经电刺激( taVNS)是一种有效的激活迷走神经系统的手段,该技术在镇痛和身心 机能 调控方面均得到了一定关注,但由于相关研究较少且实验设计不一,研究结果不明确,同时 taVNS的工作机制仍不完全清晰。基于此,本研究旨在通过三个实验验证 taVNS对身心机能和疼痛的影响,初步揭示其机制。 实验1通过 biopac设备测量 17名被试的心率变异性,发现给予耳甲腔真实电刺激相比假刺激组(只给予 10s电刺激)和刺激耳垂组可以显著抑制机体向交感神经支配移动,说明了该刺激参数和刺激部位能够有效地影响迷走神经活动。 实验2共纳入了 37名被试,将被试随机分配到实验组( 18名)和假刺激组,考察了短期耳部经皮迷走神经电刺激对身体机能的影响。本实验选择唤醒度作为反映身体机能的变量,通过情绪面孔点探测范式选取两组被试的行为反应时以及时频域脑响应作为观测指标。该实验结果表明,经过 taVNS的实验组被试的反应时的变化率大于假刺激组 ;同时,在面孔图片出现和对探测点反应之间,实验组中央 -顶叶 电极的 alpha-ERD增加更多。行为和脑电指标的变化均反映了 taVNS能够有效提升机体唤醒度。研究还发现,实验组探测点和 /或运动准备诱发的 P300脑响应的平均幅值变化率和假刺激组存在显著差异,实验组后测幅值升高较大。 实验3探究了 taVNS对冷水诱发痛的影响以及情绪状态是否在其中存在中介作用。通过冷压痛实验和情绪问卷对 25名实验组和 22名假刺激组被试的干预前后冷压痛敏感性和情绪状态的变化进行测量,结果显示,虽然 taVNS对冷水诱发痛的强度评分、不愉 悦度评分、疼痛耐受均无显著影响,但是能够显著抑制被试的疼痛阈限下降;同时由于两组疼痛刺激前的情绪状态变化不存 在 显著差异,因此 taVNS对疼痛阈限的影响不能归因于情绪的改变,提示了 taVNS阻止该类型疼痛刺激敏化反应存在其他生理或心理机制。 本研究探索了taVNS对身心机能和疼痛的影响,结果表明 taVNS可以显著增加机体唤醒度,同时taVNS能够阻止冷水疼痛敏感性升高。本研究为未来taVNS技术的镇痛机制的研究以及临床应用提供一定的参考。
其他摘要Chronic pain lasts months or years and happens in all parts of the body. It does not only interfere with patients’ daily life, but also can lead to physical and emotional dysfunctions. These problems have negative influences on living and working, which becomes a heavy burden for individuals, families, and the whole society. In practice, chronic pain treatment mainly relies on the use of drugs, which may come along with undesired side effects and adverse consequences, and even lead to potential opioid addiction and overdose deaths. To face such crisis, it is necessary to find safe, effective, nonaddictive interventions and strategies to manage chronic pain. Vagus nerve system is responsible for visceral movement, visceral sensation, somatic movement and somatic sensation. Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS), an effective technique to active vagal tone, has already been reported the possibilities of the regulation of pain and psycho-physical functions. However, the mechanisms associated with taVNS intervention are still unclear. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study described in this thesis is to examine the effects of taVNS on physical and emotional functions and pain, as well as the underlying mechanisms through three experiments. Experiment 1 recruited 17 volunteers and proved that the taVNS with stimulation parameters currently used is capable of inhibiting the shift in cardiac autonomic balance toward sympathetic innervation, suggesting its effectiveness on the vagus nerve system regulation. Experiment 2 recruited 37 volunteers. Half of them were randomly assigned to the active tVNS group (n = 18), and the rest were assigned to the sham group. Arousal level was selected to reflect physical function. The response time as well as cortical excitability in time frequency domain of the emotional facial dot-probe task were recorded. The results showed that volunteers in the taVNS group had greater reduction of response time than those in the sham-group. Volunteers in the active taVNS group also exhibited a higher change ratio of alpha-ERD at the central-parietal channels after the presentation of the emotional faces, when compared to the sham group volunteers. We concluded that such behavioral and electrophysiological changes reflected the changes of physical arousal caused by active taVNS. In addition, the amplitude of P300 in response to the target dot and/or movement preparation significantly increased at the occipitoparietal electrodes after taVNS. To investigate the impact of taVNS on pain measurements, Experiment 3 recruited 25 volunteers receiving active taVNS and additional 22 volunteers for sham interventions. Although none significant change of the pain intensity, pain unpleasantness and pain tolerance were observed after both active taVNS and sham interventions, the results showed that active taVNS significantly reduced individual hyperalgesia. However, such positive effect of taVNS on pain threshold cannot be attributed to changes of affective state, given no significantly difference of changes of mood was found between two groups. It implies that there are other physiological or psychological mechanisms responsible for this analgesic effect of taVNS. In summary, the present study investigated the effects of taVNS on physical and emotional functions and pain. The findings demonstrated that taVNS can significantly increase physical arousal and reduce the hyperalgesia of cold pressor pain. Overall, these results provided reference for future exploration in analgesic mechanism and clinical application of taVNS.
关键词经皮迷走神经电刺激 疼痛 身体机能 情绪
GB/T 7714
陈钰昕. 经皮迷走神经电刺激对身心机能和疼痛的影响研究[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院心理研究所,2021.
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