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其他题名Problematic Mobile Phone Use Pathway Profiles and Changes among Vocational School Students
摘要青少年问题性手机使用行为由于其高流行率,已被确定为公共卫生和健康方面最突出的问题之一。第44 次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》对中国互联网的发展状况进行了汇报。CNNIC 报告指出,截止至2020 年3 月,中国网民总数达到8.97 亿,其中手机网民总数达到8.47 亿,而在这些手机网民中青少年群体占比60%以上。对于处于身心发展的重要阶段的青少年来说手机就像一把双刃剑,在享受手机带来的便利的同时也逐渐被手机吞没导致一些负面的影响例如出现问题性手机使用现象从而影响自己的身体及身心健康,对自己的学业以及生活带来很多负面的影响,因此对于青少年问题性手机使用现象应给予更多关注。大量的研究证据已经表明多种风险因素参与了问题性手机使用行为的形成。而过往的研究主要是以变量为中心的方法来研究每个风险因素是如何独立的预测问题性手机使用的,而忽略了有一些青少年亚群体在综合接触多个风险因素方面可能存在这某些差异。因此本研究对青少年可能面临的多种精神病理学因素(以问题性手机使用路径理论为基础)进行调查,并采用以个体为中心的方法分别探讨职校生问题性手机使用路径的潜在类别(多种精神病理学因素暴露的亚群体)和职校生问题性手机使用路径类别的发展变化。 首先,研究一从横向的角度探讨了职校生问题性手机使用路径的潜在类别,采用手机成瘾指数量表(MPAI);社交焦虑量表(IAS);孤独量表(UCLA);错失恐惧量表(FoMOs)以及抑郁-焦虑-压力量表(DASS-21);Barratt 冲动性量表(BIS-11)对351名职校生进行测查。潜在剖面分析结果发现:(1)职校生问题性手机使用路径存在四种潜在类别,即高风险高负向情绪组(9.12%)、中等风险组(18.23%)、轻度风险组(45.01%)和无风险组(27.64%)。(2)相比于高职生,风险组更多是中职生。(3)中度和高风险高负性情绪组表现出更高程度的问题性手机使用行为。压力、焦虑和抑郁可能有助于我们更好地筛选出问题性手机使用倾向的人群。研究二从纵向的角度,深入分析了职校生随时间的发展问题性手机使用路径类别的转换,结果发现:(1)无风险组的稳定性最高(56%),轻度风险组更易向无风险组和中度风险组转变,中度风险组更易向低风险组转变,高风险组更易向中度和低风险风险组转变,无风险更易向轻度风险转变。(2)相比于女生,男生更易从中等风险组向无风险组转变;相比于高职生,中职生更易从无风险组转到轻度风险组,中度风险组和高风险高负向情绪组。中职生更易从轻度风险组转为中度风险组,中度风险组转为高风险高负性情绪组,且中职生轻度风险组的稳定性更高。 根据以上的结果,本研究得出如下结论:职校生问题性手机使用的精神病理学因素有明显的群体异质性,高风险高负性情绪组和中度风险组相比于低风险和无风险组有更高的问题性手机使用行为风险。并且应对职校生群体中的中职生群体给予更多关注。在职校生群体中问题性手机使用是一个长期且波动的风险因素,在本研究当中我们发现与问题性手机使用相关的精神病理学因素中抑郁,焦虑,压力一直是问题性手机使用最主要相关的因素。在我们进行潜在转换分析以后,无风险组稳定性还是较高的,也有部分群体风险有缓解。但是也有部分风险群体稳定性较高并且出现向更高等级风险发展的情况。这说明对于风险群体来说在一定的时间内这种风险状态可能是无法自行缓解的,并且有向更严重的情况发展的可能。从纵向发展的总体情况来讲整体变化还是具有一定的波动性,所以在职校生群体中早期并且定期开展具有针对性的识别与干预是十分必要的。
其他摘要Problematic mobile phone use among adolescents has been identified as one of the most prominent issues in public health due to its high prevalence. The 44th Statistical Report on the Development of the Internet in China reports on the development of the Internet in China, and the CNNIC reports that by March 2020, the total number of Internet users in China reached 897 million, of which the total number of mobile phone users reached 847 million, and among these mobile phone users the adolescents accounts for more than 60%. For adolescents at an important stage of physical and mental development, mobile phones are like a double-edged sword, and while enjoying the convenience brought by mobile phones, they are also gradually engulfed by them leading to some negative effects such as the emergence of problematic mobile phone use .This is why more attention should be paid to the phenomenon of problematic mobile phone use among adolescents, as it affects their physical and mental health and has a negative effect on their education and life. This study comprised of two sub-studies, which explore the potential categories of problematic mobile phone use pathways among vocational students and the changes in problematic mobile phone use pathways among vocational students over time. First, study 1 explored the potential categories of problematic mobile phone use pathways among vocational students from a cross-sectional perspective, using Mobile phone addiction Inventory(MPAI) ; Social Anxiety Scale (IAS); Loneliness Scale (UCLA); Fear of Missing Out Scale (FoMOs); and Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21); Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11) on 464 Vocational students were measured. The results found that: (1) There were four prifiles of problematic mobile phone use pathway, which were labelled high risk high negative emotion group, medium risk group, low risk group and no risk group. (2) The risk group was more likely to be secondary vocational school students than senior school students. (3) Stress, anxiety and depression may help us to better screen out people who are prone to problematic mobile phone use.. Study 2 took a longitudinal perspective and in-deep analysis the transition of problematic mobile phone use path categories over time among vocational students. The results found that: (1) the no-risk group had the highest stability (56%), the mild-risk group was more likely to shift to the no-risk and moderate-risk groups, the moderate-risk group was more likely to shift to the low-risk group, the high-risk group was more likely to shift to the moderate- and low-risk groups, and the no-risk was more likely to shift to the mild-risk group. (2) Compared to female students, male students are more likely to shift from the moderate risk group to the no risk group; compared to vocational college students, secondary vocational students are more likely to shift from the no risk group to the mild risk group, the moderate risk group and the high risk and high negative emotion group. Secondary vocational students were more likely to shift from the mild risk group to the moderate risk group, and the moderate risk group to the high risk high negative emotion group, and the stability of the mild risk group was higher among secondary vocational students. Based on the above results, this study concluded that: the psychopathological factors of problematic mobile phone use among vocational school students.There is obvious group heterogeneity, and more attention should be paid to the group of secondary vocational school students. problematic mobile phone use is a long-term risk factor in the vocational student population, and in this study we found that depression, anxiety and stress were consistently the most important psychopathological factors associated with problematic mobile phone use. In our analysis of potential transitions, the stability of the no-risk group was high, and there were some groups with mitigated risk. However, there were some risk groups that were more stable and showed a progression to higher levels of risk. This suggests that the risk status may not be self-mitigating within a certain period of time and that there is a risk of progression to more severe conditions. Early and regular targeted identification and intervention in the vocational student population is essential.
关键词职校学生 问题性手机使用 潜在转变分析
GB/T 7714
萨切尔. 职校学生问题性手机使用路径潜在类别及发展变化[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院心理研究所,2021.
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