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其他题名Role of the Multiple Dyadic Social interactions after Single Prolonged Stress in the Development of the PTSD-like Behaviors
摘要创伤后应激障碍CPost-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD)是指个体目睹或经历对生命具有威胁或严重伤害的创伤事件导致的长期持续的精神疾患。PTSD发生发展与转归的相关研究中发现社会性因素是影响和干预PTSD的重要因素之一,然而社会交往和社会网络对创伤后个体心理健康的具体影响尚未澄清。社会网络中个体之间不断地进行情感、信息和物质的交流与传递,因此相关研究发现社会网络既能通过积极的社会关系和社会支持缓冲PTSD症状,也会通过负性情绪在网络中的传播会加重PTSD症状。而以往研究更聚焦于社会支持对应激后个体心理健康水平的保护性作用,对社会性因素在PTSD发生发展中可能存在的风险性作用缺乏深入探究。由于PTSD具有延迟发作的特征,在创伤应激后和PTSD发生发展前的症状潜伏期阶段是研究PTSD发生机制和有效干预方法的重要窗口期。国内外多数研究者认为潜伏期内个体的环境经验包括社会联结、社会交往与社会支持都对创伤后个体是否会发展出PTSD症状有重要影响。因此,为了明确社会网络对PTSD可能存在的调节作用,我们更加关注PTSD发生发展潜伏期阶段社会网络与创伤诱发的情绪情感障碍之间的关系,试图深入探究潜伏期阶段社会网络调节PTSD的具体路径对PTSD发病机制和康复治疗的重要影响。 本研究以共60只在丰富环境中群居的大鼠为实验对象,使用单次长时称应激模型C Single prolonged stress, SPS)模拟急性应激,比较大鼠情感性水平、快感缺失水平、焦虑样水平、抑郁样水平和恐惧水平在应激前后的变化,以及观察和分析创伤应激前后社会网络的动态变化。同时研究重点关注创伤后潜伏期阶段社会网络对PTSD样情绪障碍发生发展可能存在的调节作用,具体通过使用社交隔离和基于互利模型的合作训练两种社会网络调节手段探究社会网络对PTSD样症状的影响。最后在此基础上,进一步验证合作训练对PTSD的改善作用通过促进积极社会关系起到干预作用,明确潜伏期阶段社会网络对PTSD产生作用的具体机制。 研究1采用重复测量方差分析法和整体网络分析法探讨急性应激诱发社会网络改变与相关情绪行为障碍影响机制。结果发现,急性应激能够显著诱发群居大鼠的情感性降低与新环境恐惧和焦虑样表现;能够显著增加应激当天大鼠抱团时间和攻击性社交行为时间,也显著改变了应激当天和应激后亲和性与攻击性网络结构。 研究2通过隔离社会交往和促进合作关系两种不同网络干预方向的手段操作潜伏期阶段社会网络。结果发现经历社交隔离和合作训练两种干预处理后的社会网络发生了显著改变。同时发现潜伏期阶段社会网络处理对应激诱发的情感性变化没有显著作用,但社交隔离能够特异性降低恐惧相关行为同时只有社会交往状态下的合作训练处理能够特异性降低焦虑相关行为。与以往研究认为的社会支持的缓冲作用不同,本研究证明了潜伏期社会网络主要对应激诱发的情绪障碍具有风险性作用。 研究3通过比较合作训练与一般性操作FR1训练以及控制组和应激组在潜伏期阶段社会网络的特征,结果发现合作训练特异性改善了应激诱发的新环境焦虑样症状而FR1训练特异性改善了应激诱发的新环境恐惧样症状。并且通过与控制组和应激组在潜伏期阶段社会网络改变的特征相比,合作干预的特异性作用通过特异性改变潜伏期亲和性网络点入接近中心度指标发挥作用。 综上所述,本研究证明了创伤后潜伏期对PTSD发生发展的重要作用,发现了社会网络影响PTSD的条件性作用机制,即在创伤情景下创伤后社会网络对PTSD样情绪障碍具有消极作用。结果丰富了PTSD延迟发病机制与社会网络影响PTS的相关理论基础,为创伤后心理援助工作和寻找有效的PTSD早期治疗方法提供了新的思路。
其他摘要Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that involves the development of long-lasting symptoms following exposure to life-threatening or severe traumatic event. Social phenomenon is considered as one of the most important psychosocial factors that determine whether an individual will have mental health problems and how it develops following stressor exposure, yet the specific mechanism of social interaction and social network effect on PTSD is not clear. Evidences indicated that on hand the buffering effect of social support is protective to the recovery of PTSD via positive social interactions, on the other hand post-trauma negative emotion may reverse social support thereby increasing the vulnerability of the development of PTSD. Studies have focused on the effective role of social support soothe trauma-driven disorders, yet little is known about the influence of social network in risk for PTSD. Due to the delay一onset of PTSD, the incubation period is prone to investigate the underlying mechanism PTSD and the social network during this time-window may play an important role. Researchers suggested that environment experiences include social connections, social interaction and social support during incubation period, is prone to the development of PTSD. To verify the regulating way of dyadic social interactions to PTSD, we focused on the relationship between post social network during incubation period after stress and stress induced emotional disorders, leading to a better understanding of the development and treatment of PTSD symptoms. The current study evaluated the development of emotional sensitivity, anhedonia, anxiety一like, depression-like and sensitized fear induced by novel environment after Single prolonged stress (SPS) within a large crowd of total 60 rats reared in enriched environment. The social dynamics was observed and analyzed throughout the experimental procedure. Based on the relationship among the abnormal behaviors induced by stress and social network generated during each period, we sought to determine the regulating role of incubation-period social network to PTSD with experimental treatments of social isolation and Mutualism cooperation. Further, we aimed to reveal the underlying mechanism of social network during incubation based on the investigation of cooperation intervention on the recovery of PTSD. In study 1,multivariate variance analysis was used to compare the PTSD-like behavioral symptoms and social network analysis was used to calculate the network indexes. Results showed that acute stress treatment as SPS induced significant PTSD-like emotional disorders as emotional sensitivity and sensitized fear and anxiety symptoms. SPS significantly altered the structure of social network as increased huddling and disturbed structure of affiliative and network stress day and post-trauma period. In study 2, the social isolation and cooperation training were induced as two bidirectional treatments to verify the regulating effect of social interaction and network on PTSD during incubation period. We found that both isolation and cooperation interventions significantly changed post-trauma social network. At the same time, social network during incubation did not influence emotional sensitivity symptom, while social isolation specifically decreased sensitized fear response and cooperation based on social network specifically decreased anxiety responses. Counterintuitive to the known buffering effect, a strong social network connection under trauma context may worsen PTSD-like symptoms. In study 3, cooperation versus FR1 training and incubation social network between control and SPS rats were compared. First, we found that the network-based cooperation task alleviated anxiety-like behaviors and FR1 reduced fear-like behaviors in fear response test. Further, when comparing to the differences between control and SPS groups, we also found that cooperation specifically altered in-closeness in affiliative network compared to FR1. The present study concluded that the post-trauma incubation played a key role in the development of PTSD where the buffering effect of social factor is conditional. This referred that the risk of PTSD is highly dependent on social interaction and social network under traumatic context. These conclusions enriched theoretical studies on the delay一onset of PTSD and effect of social interaction, and provided a new prospective of post-disaster psychological assistance and further psychological intervention.
关键词创伤应激 创伤后应激障碍 社会网络 社交交往 合作
GB/T 7714
骆皓爽. 大鼠单次长时程应激后的群居社会网络对PTSD样情绪行为障碍发生发展的影响研究[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院心理研究所,2021.
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