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其他题名The structure and mechanism of teachers’mental health literacy
摘要作为教师群体,既承担教书,又承担育人责任,提升其心理健康素养意义重大。目前缺乏对教师心理健康素养内涵的探索和评估工具,因此本研究访谈一线教师,拟定教师心理健康素养内涵及问卷编制,同时探讨教师心理健康素养的作用机制。 研究一。目的:调查我国的中小学教师的心理健康素养现状。方法:于2018年抽取1063名教师进行心理健康素养量表测试,并进行群体差异比较。结果: (1)中学的女性教师心理健康知识得分显著高于男性;(2)数学老师的心理健康知识得分最低,心理老师的心理健康知识得分最高;(3)学历越高,心理健康知识得分越高;(4)是否为班主任其心理健康素养得分无显著差异;(5)东部地区的心理健康知识最高;(6)年龄越大,心理健康素养水平越低;(7)心理健康意识与心理健康行为正相关,心理健康行为负向预测抑郁得分;C8)在针对普通群体的教师心理健康素养调查问卷中,36%的问题中有一半被教师认为不重要或未知。 研究二。目的:通过对教师进行访谈,编制教师的心理健康素养问卷。方法:以40名教师为调查对象进行半结构化访谈,采用扎根理论对资料进行编码,验证内部一致性信度和聚敛效度。结果:教师心理健康素养内涵应至少包含情绪体验、认知效能、适应能力、人际交往、自我认识、心理学基础知识。 研究三:目的:调查中小学教师心理健康素养现状,探索心理健康素养对心理健康的作用机制。方法:采用偏差校正的百分位Bootstrap法,分析教师效能感在心理健康素养与抑郁、焦虑之间的中介作用。结果:(1)小学教师群体有34.4%存在抑郁高风险,中学教师中有28.3%存在抑郁高风险;(2 ) 53.7%的有中度焦虑问题,21.9%的有重度焦虑问题;中学教师群体45.2%的有中度焦虑问题,20.6%的有重度焦虑问题;(3)非师范生教师的抑郁得分显著高于师范生教师; (4)教师效能感与心理健康显著正相关,职业倦怠显著正向预测抑郁、焦虑; (5)数学老师自我评估心理健康素养的得分最高;(6)心理健康素养得分显著负向预测抑郁、焦虑得分;(7)职业倦怠的中介作用显著,教师效能感的中介作用边缘显著;(8)教师效能感、职业倦怠的链式中介作用显著。
其他摘要As a group of teachers, it is of great significance to improve their mental health literacy because they are responsible for both teaching and education. At present, there is a lack of tools to explore and evaluate the structure of teachers' mental health literacy. Therefore, this study interviewed front-line teachers, developed the structure of teachers' mental health literacy and prepared questionnaires, and explored the mechanism of teachers' mental health literacy. Study 1 .Objective: To investigate the status quo of mental health literacy of primary and secondary school teachers in China.METHODS:1063 teachers were selected for the mental health literacy scale test in 2018, and group differences of teachers with different demographic variables were compared.Results:(1)The scores of mental health knowledge of female teachers in middle schools were significantly higher than that of male teachers;(2) Math teachers had the lowest score of mental health knowledge, while psychology teachers had the highest score of mental health knowledge; (3) The higher the educational background, the higher the score of mental health knowledge; (4) There was no significant difference in the score of mental health literacy whether they were head teachers or not; (5) Mental health knowledge is the highest in the eastern region; (6) The higher the age, the lower the level of mental health literacy; (7) Mental health awareness was positively correlated with mental health behaviors, and mental health behaviors negatively predicted depression scores; (8) Half of the 36% questions in the questionnaire of teachers' mental health literacy aimed at the general group were considered unimportant or unknown by teachers. Study 2. Objective: To develop a questionnaire on teachers' mental health literacy by interviewing teachers. Methods:40 teachers as the survey objects were invited to conduct semi-structured interviews with teachers, and interview draft was coded by using the rooted theory. Results: The connotation of teachers' mental health literacy should at least include emotional experience, cognitive efficacy, adaptive ability, interpersonal communication, self-knowledge and basic psychological knowledge, and the reliability and validity should reach the standard. Study3.Objective: To investigate the current situation of mental health literacy of primary and secondary school teachers and explore the mechanism of mental health literacy on mental health. Methods: The percentile Bootstrap method with deviation correction was used to analyze the mediating effect of teachers' self-efficacy on mental health literacy and depression and anxiety. Results:(1)34.4% of primary school teachers and 28.3% of middle school teachers had a high risk of depression; (2)53.7% had moderate anxiety problems, 21.9% had severe anxiety problems;45.2% of middle school teachers had moderate anxiety problem, 20.6% had severe anxiety problem; (3) The depression scores of non-normal university teachers were significantly higher than those of normal university teachers; (4) Teachers' self-efficacy was significantly positively correlated with mental health, and job burnout was significantly positively correlated with depression and anxiety; (5) Math teachers scored the highest in self-assessment of mental health literacy; (6) Mental health literacy scores significantly negatively predicted depression and anxiety scores; (7) The mediating effect of job burnout is significant, and the mediating effect of teacher efficacy is marginal. (8) The chain mediating effect of teacher efficacy and job burnout is significant. Research Conclusions: First, the level of mental health literacy of primary and secondary school teachers in China needs to be improved, and there are significant differences among different groups. The connotation of mental health literacy of teacher groups has its particularity. Second, teachers' mental health literacy questionnaire based on the analysis of the teacher interview content, the teacher has a good applicability, chic has good validity in primary and secondary school teachers group, can be used as the community mental health literacy assessment tools, but there are still insufficient, not included in the campus violence situation, for example, can be revised on the basis of the future. Third, the mental health of primary and secondary school teachers is poor, with one third of teachers at high risk of depression and more than 70 percent facing moderate to severe anxiety. Mental health literacy is beneficial to reduce the risk of anxiety and depression. Mental health literacy can positively predict mental health through the chain mediating effect of some teachers' efficacy and job burnout, and can also regulate the effect of job burnout on depression.
关键词中小学教师 心理健康素养 职业倦怠 教师效能感
GB/T 7714
刘亚男. 教师心理健康素养的内涵及其对心理健康的作用机制[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院心理研究所,2021.
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